Saturday, December 4, 2010

Rooney Mara and Her Nipple Ring Could Apparently Use a Break

rooney_mara_dragon120.jpgGirl With the Dragon Tattoo star Rooney Mara broke her silence from the Stockholm set with what will no doubt go down as the Great Nipple Ring Communiqué of 2010: “It’s -9 degrees Celsius. 37 takes down, only about 42 more to go. Every time [David Fincher] says, ‘Okay, last one,’ I fall for it. Every. Single. Time. If only I could get this damn shrug right, then maybe I could go inside and my nipple ring would have time to thaw out…” Hmm. Well, lob her into the front of the Oscar ‘11 pack, what’s the harm? [EW]

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