Friday, December 3, 2010

De Niro, Diddy SNL Promo Photo: Meet the Fakers

· In case P. Diddy’s — ahem, Diddy-Dirty Money’s — tweeted demands to perform with Robert De Niro on SNL this weekend weren’t sad enough, this promotional photo was just released. Horrifying. De Niro is flashing mad Goodfellas stank while Diddy cruises high on King of Comedy delusion. This is not the kind of Scorsese tribute I needed on a slow Thursday. [ONTD]


· Movieline’s own Michelle Orange will be featured in a book of essays by female contributors to the website The Rumpus. I want a foreword by Justin Long. [Jezebel]

· I somehow doubt this, but Todd Palin may be in the running for the next season of Dancing with the Stars. [ONTD]

· Need extra explanation for why NaOnka and Purple Kelly quit on Survivor last night? Here they are to disappoint you with quitter logic. [TV Guide]

· Justin Bieber just became the first Best New Artist nominee to get his phone privileges taken away. You think I’m joking. [Cinema Blend]

Tagged: bristol palin, dancing with the stars, diddy, grammys, justin bieber, justin long, michelle orange, robert de niro, sarah palin, saturday night live, survivor, todd palin

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