Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dueling Montages: Was 2010 Better for Films or Viral Videos?

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Year-end lists are great! But as we’ve learned in the past few years, they aren’t enough for this tech-savy age. No, we need end of year video montages too. Extremely comprehensive end-of-year-montages. Well, two particularly well-edited ones have just popped up; one counting down the top 100 viral videos of the year and one just paying homage to the avalanche of movies, good and bad, that reigned down on us during 2010. So join me for a trip down memory lane and try to decide whether the year’s best entertainment was delivered in a movie theater or on cell phones and laptops.

This seven minute montage of 2010 films apparently features 270 movies! It’s edited like an Academy Awards tribute reel, which wouldn’t bother me too much if it didn’t pay tribute to the surf scene from Marmaduke alongside excellent films like The Social Network. Anyway, it’s very slick, but as far as evoking something like nostalgia or even making me look back on this year in film in any more detail, it’s not working. It seems that the films which get the most screen time are based solely on how they fit into the editing. Otherwise I have no idea why Cop Out is featured so prominently. Also, unless the editor, Gen, decided that Enter the Void didn’t count for this year, I’d like to see a new cut with some footage from that. It would fit perfectly. Still though, 270 movies! [Via Slash Film]

Onto viral videos! This Top-100 countdown from Gawker TV is, as you’d expect, more ironic and snarky. But it’s also much shorter and a lot more fun to watch. It starts on a perfect note, and while some of the music is a bit annoying, it’s a covers a pretty diverse spectrum, along with some cute cats and people getting hurt. Though, I wish they could have found a way to include the reigning champion of news bloopers. [Via Gawker TV]

Verdict: Chalk it up to editing, context or truth, but if I had been living off the fat of the land in some remote cabin this year, I’d actually be more anxious to catch up on viral videos based solely on these two montages. Though, I’ll admit viral videos are more conducive to montages.

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